The common warbler is a bird’s hornet

Name: Sporish zvichayny – highlander bird

Polygonum aviculare (Polygonum aviculare); goosegrass, chicken grass, horsetail, bird’s buckwheat, pig’s potion, goose grass, toppon grass; Buckwheat family (Poligonaceae); mountain bird 

The closest relative of the snake’s bitter gourd is common sedge, an annual herbaceous plant 10-30 cm tall. The stem of the fungus is ascending, the leaves are linear-lanceolate. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, whitish-pink, located in the axils of the leaves, blooming in June-September. Usually, sorghum grows near field roads, in paddocks, wastelands, yards, sandy shoals, near water bodies. It is widespread not only in the European part of Russia, but also beyond the Urals. In Ukraine, it grows throughout the territory in similar places.

As well as snake’s mustard, ergot has many useful properties – medicinal, nutritional and vitamin.

The aerial part of the plant is used to prepare medicines. It is cut with a knife or sickle, spread in a thin layer in the shade and dried. The grass is dried in special dryers or ovens at a temperature of 40-50 °C. The raw material is suitable for use within three years. In specialized pharmacies, briquettes of sedum grass are sold.

The aerial part of the plant contains a small amount of tannins, flavonoids, coumarins, an alkaloid of unknown structure, vitamin C (up to 450 mg%), carotene (provitamin A), organic acids, polysaccharides and other compounds.

Preparations of sorghum lower blood pressure, prevent the formation of kidney stones, stimulate urination, increase uterine contractions, and have an anti-toxic effect. Tannins contained in the plant have a beneficial effect on digestion. Herbal infusions are used to treat chronic diseases of the urinary tract. In gynecology and obstetrics, these products are prescribed to accelerate the contraction of the uterus in the postpartum period, with excessive blood loss during menstruation and uterine bleeding. Taking the infusion eases the condition of patients with uterine fibroids. This remedy is especially effective for restoring the normal concentration of iron in the blood after heavy bleeding in the postpartum and climacteric periods. Folk healers use sedum to treat swellings, respiratory tract diseases, and also as a tonic and tonic. Malaria is treated with the help of infusion in folk medicine. The herb is used for hemorrhoid baths.

All plant products are contraindicated in acute kidney and bladder diseases.

Few people know that common spore is a very valuable food plant. The aerial part (stems and young leaves) is used to prepare salads, together with other greens or separately, dressing with oil or vinegar, and sometimes with sour cream. Greens are added to soups and soups, and dried leaves are stored as a reserve. The plant is rich in proteins (up to 4.4%), and its starch content is not inferior to legumes. The leaves contain up to 120 mg% of vitamin C. Sporish in salads and soups is healthy and tasty!

Herbal infusion. 15 g of raw material per 200 ml of boiling water, infuse for 15-20 minutes, filter. Take 1/2-1/3 cup 2-3 times a day before meals.