Goliy solodets (lokritsa, licorice)

Name: Solodets goliy (lokritsa, licorice)



Glycyrrhiza glabra L.

Bobov’s homeland – Fabaceae


How do you look? Bagatorichna herbaceous roslina 50-100 cm cusps, which can help the root system. Leaves are black, folded, unpaired, with 11-15 ovate-lanceolate leaves, flowers are paniculate, pale-violet, with thick axillary hairs. The fruits are shkiryasty storm beans. The color of the chervni is serpni.

De growth? In the steppe zone along the salt marshes, over the banks of the steppe rivers, on the seaside slopes, a sight in the Crimea. Inkoly I create succulent growths.

What and when to take? Roots of autumn or early spring, early summer. Having cleaned them thoroughly like measles, to a yellow ball, dry on the hill or in dryers.

When to stall? The roots of malt can be taken away from your body by glycosides liquiritin glycyrrhizin (tediously licorice for relish), glucose, pectin, starch, hydrochloric acid, visc, asparagine, salts of calcium, potassium, magnesium and traces of letkoy olії. Zastosovuyt yak vydkharkuvalny (especially with bronchial asthma in children), deshchoginny, obvolokalny, trochny carrying zasib with constipation, hemorrhoids, virazzi sluka. Є protiotrutoyu with torn fungi. The savory taste of the liquor (glycyrrhizin 150 times malted for zukor), cortisone-like, adds pleasantly to the exchange of speech and in case of Addison’s ailment.

Cortisone-like trees are also grown in figs (figs – Ficus carica L. – from the homeland of Shovkovitsevy (Mogaseae), bush-like trees that grow in gardens and parks of Pivdenny Krim, and in the reshti territory of Ukraine – among mountain workers and trees. (glucose, fructose – 60-70%), pectin (6%), fats (1.3%), proteins (6%), as well as salt, calcium, organic acids. against constipation;

With hoarseness, moisten the loquat root. With whooping cough, drink the root of the milk. When viraztsі shlunk take 1 tablespoon sumishi licorice root , marshmallow root, larkspur root, herb celandine in spivvіdnoshennі 2:2:2:1 for 1 bottle of water, boil 15 khvilin. Drink 2-3 bottles a day. M.I. Solomchenko recommends 60% tincture of orphan root licorice naked on the throat — 3-4 teaspoons per day in 100 ml of water, before meals, for 2 months.

For constipation, as an example of intestinal atony, take 2 teaspoons of sumish locust root ( licorice ), buckthorn measles, fennel fruit, marshmallow root and uncut flaxseed in spіvvіdnoshennі 3:3:3:6:6 per 1 bottle of okrop, infusion sip for nothing, to keep the bowels regular.


In case of ailments, 1 tablespoon of sumish root of lokritsa, birch brunok, leaves of martyr in spivvіdnoshennі 10:8:5 is poured with 1 bottle of okrop; pour 10 whilins and drink 2-3 bottles per day. Fatery those, ShO Glikozid Glikirizin є Jerel Glucuronian acid, I am the organism of the ryzni ryzov (in that number toxini right), Lokritsu will live in the zhovnoye stoves of the stroke of the pile of the somers 5:1:2 for 1 bottle of sprinkles and boil 10 khvilin. Drink 2-3 bottles a day.

For ailments of the liver, nirok, intestines, and also for rinsing the mouth with inflamed throats, take 3 tablespoons of locust root and 2 tablespoons (with the top) of leaves of shavli, steam 10 khvilin and drink 2-3 bottles per day or rinse your mouth and throat with steam.

The licorice extract will calm the pain, but remember that glycyrrhizin can destroy the electrolyte-water balance and cause swelling to the point of guilt. It also decreases with the help of avitamin C in the epidermis.