Svychayna fig tree – fig

Name: Svychayna fig tree – fig

Fig tree (Ficus carica); fig, fig tree; figs 

One-or two-house deciduous subtropical, with milky juice roslina, the homeland of Shovkovitsev. In the wild camp, the fig tree is a bush or a low tree, in culture it is a large tree (up to 15 m curls) with thin, slightly splayed needles. Swallows are great, chergovі, dovgochereshkovі, heart-shaped, 3-5-blades per form (leaves in the variety of leaves can be but and іnshої forms). The cards are small, not showy, placed in the middle of a fleshy, empty succulent-syconia with a narrow opening to the beast. There are 3 types of tickets: cholovіchі (tichinkovі), zhіnоchі short-stovpchikі, so called galovі, and zhіnоchі dovgo-stovpchikі, scho give fruit. Dovgo-stovpchikі vouchers are formed in succulents, as in the process of development they are transformed into large succulent suplіdya-figs. Cholovіchі th galovі votki are shaped in swirls, that may be smaller and permanently overgrown with hard ones (files are established in them and blastophage axes develop, grown-up females of such individuals sip dostovpchikovki vouchers). In wild roslins, fig trees tend to grow on one and the same tree, in most cultivated ones – on different trees. There are a lot of varieties, in some varieties they develop without sawing – parthenogenetically. Fruits – peas, which are located in the middle of the fleshy soup – figs. The color of the flower is herbal. The fruit is reached at the linden – sickle. in some breeds, they develop without sawing – parthenogenetically. Fruits – peas, which are located in the middle of the fleshy soup – figs. The color of the flower is herbal. The fruit is reached at the linden – sickle. in some breeds, they develop without sawing – parthenogenetically. Fruits – peas, which are located in the middle of the fleshy soup – figs. The color of the flower is herbal. The fruit is reached at the linden – sickle.

Width. In the wild, the fig tree grows in the Mediterranean, Maliy and Pivdenniy Asia (on the terenes of the colossal SRSR it grows in the Caucasus and in Central Asia). In Krim, the fig tree is cultivated like a fruit tree.

Procurement and saving . With a jubilant method of vicarious supl_dya (Fructus Fici caricae), they are taken from the period of full stupor and planted fresh or dried, and leaves of the fig tree (Folia Fici caricae). The leaves are picked without petioles from the chervni – sticky and dry at the zatіnka, spreading in a thin ball. Dry leaves come out 20%.

Chemical warehouse . Dried fig suppleness can be dried with 50-70% zukriv, 5% pectin, 4-6% protein, fat (1.3%), organic acids (up to 1%), anthocyanin glycosides, mucus, vitamins B 1 , B 2 , B 6 , C, PP, Pantothenic and folic acid, carotene, proteolytic enzyme ficin and mineral speech (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, salt). In the leaves of roslina, furocoumarin, psoralen and bergapten, tannin and resinous speech, organic acids, rutin (0.1%), ascorbic acid (up to 300 mg%) and ethereal oliya.

Pharmacological power and victory.Suppliddya fig trees show a slight sedative effect and vicarious with chronic constipation. As a disinfectant and pomyakshuvalny zasіb suplіdya zastosovuyt with bronchitis, severe cough and pneumonia; zvnіshnyo, at a glance rinse, – with angina and pharyngitis. As a dietary product, the fig tree is recommended for thromboembolic diseases and diseases of the heart-vascular system, for anemia, for acute poisoning, for weakening ailments for people in geriatric practice. Implantation of the fig tree is contraindicated in ill with circulatory diabetes, with acute inflammation of the intestinal tract, with cross-acid diathesis. The milky sik of vicorist grows in folk medicine in the form of warts; in the minds of the experiment vin zatrimu rіst sarcoma, detrimental to helminths. Psoberan (Pso-beranum) is prepared from the leaves of a fig tree, which is prescribed for vitiligo and nesting baldness. In folk medicine, leaf extracts are used for coughs, bronchial asthma, enteritis and enterocolitis, and nirok ailments.

Medical forms and zastosuvannya .

Internally – infused leaves (2 tablespoons of syrovin per 400 ml of okrop, infuse for 1 year, process) in a glass of water 4 times a day before eating;

infusion of dry soups on water (50 g of syrovin per 1 liter of okrop, cook 30 khvilin) ​​in three flasks for a day until it is a laxative;

dry soup with milk (20 g of syrovin per 2.50 ml of milk, boil 10 khvilin) ​​drink hot for bronchitis.

Zovnishno is a brew of dry soups on milk (cooked, as in the previous recipe) for lotions to narivіv and for gargling with tonsillitis and pharyngitis.