
Perennial herbaceous plant with an erect stem 50-100 cm tall. The leaves are alternate, ovate, pinnatipartite, with oblong margins. Flower baskets are large, lilac-purple, located at the ends of the stems. Blooms in July-August. Honey plant. Achenes brownish, smooth,

Distributed in the southern part of the forest and forest-steppe zones of Siberia and the Far East. It grows in forest tall grass, floodplain, steppe meadows, grassy slopes, along birch pegs, in pine and mixed forests and along forest edges.

Medicinal raw material is grass with flower baskets. Drying is normal.

The chemical composition has been little studied. It is known that the plant contains a significant amount of ascorbic acid and traces of alkaloids.

In folk medicine, an infusion of herbs with flower baskets is recommended for anemia, nervous, heart and stomach diseases, as well as jaundice.



Infusion: 2 teaspoons of herbs for 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 3 hours, strain and drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times every day before meals. Infusion of herbs gargle with sore throat and inflammatory processes of various etiologies (hence one of the popular names – “goat”).