Crowned sickle – crowned sickle



A perennial herbaceous plant of the asteraceae (complex-flowered) family. The stems are erect, branched, faceted and ribbed-grooved, purplish, up to 150 cm tall. Leaves are alternate, petiolate (lower) or almost sessile (upper), pinnate to dissected, with 3-7 pairs of ovate- or elongated-lanceolate lateral segments and an apical one larger than them; bare, dark green above, lighter below; the segments of the leaves are pointed, unevenly toothed, with teeth drawn into a short whitish point at the end, serrate-hard along the entire edge. The flowers are tubular, purple, collected in baskets, located at the ends of the main branches 1-2 at a time; the marginal flowers are larger, functionally pistillate, with a three- to four-parted fold, the middle ones are bisexual, with a five-parted fold. The fruit is an achene. Blooms from July to September.

Distribution . Crowned sickle grows in the Forest Steppe (with the exception of the Far West) and in the northern part of the Steppe on dry meadows, along forest edges, among shrubs.

Procurement and storage . For the manufacture of medicines, the grass serpium is used, which is harvested during the flowering of the plant. After drying, the rough parts of the stems are discarded.

The plant is unofficial .

Chemical composition . Serpium grass contains alkaloids (traces) and a significant amount of ascorbic acid (in fresh leaves up to 120 mg%).

Pharmacological properties and use . In folk medicine, the crowned serpium is recognized as a remedy that has astringent, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, choleretic, antiemetic and sedative properties. An infusion of the herb is given internally for stomach ailments, vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice, hemorrhoids, fever, anemia, and mental illnesses.

Medicinal forms and applications. Internally – herbal infusion (infuse 2 teaspoons of the herb for 3-4 hours in 300 ml of boiling water, strain) 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.