floating waterweed (Potamogeton natans); floating pondweed
Perennial herbaceous floating plant of the sedum family. The stem is cylindrical, slightly branched, 50-120 cm long. Alternate leaves, entire, on long petioles; floating — oblong, submerged — lanceolate, opaque. The flowers are regular, bisexual, four-membered, greenish-yellow, in a dense cylindrical spike-shaped inflorescence 4-5 cm long; peduncle up to 10 cm long. The fruit is drupe, 4-5 cm long, obovate, with a blunt keel on the back. Blooms in June – August.
Spread. Floating sedge grows scattered throughout the territory of Ukraine in stagnant and slow-flowing waters.
Raw. For the manufacture of medicines, dried sedum grass is used, which is harvested during the flowering period of the plant.
The plant is unofficial .
The chemical composition has not yet been sufficiently studied. It is only known that the leaves of the plant contain the carotenoid rhodoxanthin and ascorbic acid (49.8 mg%). The seeds contain alkaloids.
Pharmacological properties and use . St. John’s wort has an anti-inflammatory, astringent and antipruritic effect. An infusion of the herb is given internally for intestinal colic, diarrhea, itchy rashes on the skin, wounds and ulcers complicated by inflammatory processes. The essence of the fresh plant was used in homeopathy.
Medicinal forms and applications.
Internally – herbal infusion (1 tablespoon of raw material is infused for 2 hours in a glass of boiling water, strained) 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.