Potentilla argentea (Potentilla argentea); the lobe is silvery
Perennial herbaceous rhizomatous plant with thick, felty pubescence of the Rosaceae family. The stem is erect, thin, 10-30 cm often five-parted (the upper ones are three-parted), glabrous or sparsely hairy above, bright green, with a gloss, whitish downy below; basal leaves – on long petioles, they wither and die during the flowering period of the plant; stems – numerous, short-petioled, few-toothed, with unequal teeth wrapped around the edge; the upper ones are sitting. The flowers are regular, bisexual, 9-12 mm in diameter, light yellow, in a spreading paniculate-scutellum inflorescence; sepals and petals 5 each. The fruit consists of 3 hump-shaped achenes; ovary and achenes bare. Blooms in June – July.
Spread. Silver foxglove grows throughout the territory of Ukraine, except for the extreme Steppe, in forest glades, along streams, in meadows and forest pastures.
Procurement and storage . Foxglove grass is used to make medicines. It is collected during the flowering of the plant, cutting the stems without rough basal parts, and dried under shelter in the open air or in well-ventilated rooms, spreading it in a thin layer on paper or cloth. The finished raw materials are stored in a dry room that must be ventilated. The shelf life is 3 years.
Chemical composition . Foxglove grass contains a significant amount of tannins and ascorbic acid.
Pharmacological properties and use . Silver thimble has well-defined astringent, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. Considering this, the infusion of foxglove herb is given to drink for anacid gastritis, diarrhea, dysentery, hemorrhoids and hematuria, for colds, rheumatism and myositis, and as an anthelmintic. Foxglove herb is part of the Zdrenko mixture, which is used as a symptomatic remedy for papillomatosis of the bladder and anacid gastritis. Foxglove is also used for local treatment: for rinsing the mouth and throat with inflammation of the mucous membrane, bleeding gums and angina, and for compresses with inflammation of the eyelids.
Medicinal forms and applications .
Internally – herbal infusion (1 tablespoon of raw material per 200 ml of boiling water, infuse in a thermos for 2 hours, strain) a quarter of a glass 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
Externally , an infusion of the herb (prepared as in the previous recipe) is used for rinsing and compresses.