i-n_ch, Ivan-i-Maria, sisters; oak maryannik
Odnorichna grassy napіvparazitna roslina of the homeland of the Rannikovs. Stem erect, 15-60 cm folded, pubescent with whitish hairs. The leaves are simple, opposite, short-petiolate, ovate-lanceolate or with ears. The flowers are two-sided, irregular, golden-yellow, drooping, in the axils of the great priktkіv, zbrani in one-sided spiky-whale-shaped swirls; top coats at midnight bright-violet color. Plid – a box. The color of the chervni is serpni.
Width. Growth in mixed forests, in chagars in Poliss and in Lysostep.
Sirovina. Vykoristovuyut grass, pick the hour of blooming growth.
Roslina is unofficial.
Chemical warehouse . Grass revenge glycoside aukubin, dulcit and alkaloids.
Pharmacological power and victory . Nasty herbs live inside in case of ailments of the heart and duct and in case of allergies. As zovnishnіy zasіb nastіy herbs vicarious for curing wounds, eczema, tuberculosis skins and scabs and diathesis in children.
Medical forms and zastosuvannya. Zovnishno – nasty (3 tablespoons of herbs per 1 liter of okrop, infuse for 2 years, protsidzhuyut) for washing and mass baths. Roslin is crazy!