Parnolistnik bean

Perennial with numerous bare stems 40-90 cm tall. The leaves consist of 2 leaflets, opposite. The flowers are white, orange at the base. The fruit is a drooping elongated cylindrical box, similar to a bean.

The plant is poisonous.

Grows on dry clay bare slopes, in weedy places, along ditches and near buildings on saline soil (salt marshes and solonetsous places). Occurs in the region of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody, Eastern Ciscaucasia, Dagestan.

The green parts of the plant contain alkaloids, the main one being zygofabagin, as well as saponins, vitamin C, and tannins.

The plant is poisonous to calves, sheep and pigs.

In folk medicine, fresh leaves and roots are used, as well as dry leaves. When crushed, the leaves are used as an blister patch, as an early healing agent, for boils.

Inside, the leaves in the form of tea are used against worms, with a breakdown, weakening of the heart. The root, ground into powder and mixed with pork fat, is used to heal wounds and ulcers.


Tea from dried leaves: 1 teaspoon of crushed leaves in a glass of boiling water, drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times every day.