sugar palm

wine palm– Caryota urens L.


The wild sugar palm is a typically forest species in the monsoonal climate of Southeast Asia. Cultivated – Central India, Malacca, on the islands of Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sudawesi, Moluccas and Philippine.


Palm up to 12-15 m tall, pinnate leaves, 6-8 m long, with linear leaves 1-1.5 m long. Inflorescences drooping, monoecious flowers. Fruit pulp is sweet and edible. Before flowering, the main axis of the male inflorescence or all of its lateral branches are cut and the liquid juice is collected in vessels. From 1 hectare of plantation (150-200 palms) up to 20 tons of sugar are obtained. Despite its higher yield compared to sugarcane, palm sugar is of local importance.

The wine palm grows in India, Burma, Thailand and Malaysia. Cultivated in the area.

Tall palm (20-22 m), leaves 4-5 m long and 2-2.5 m wide, pinnate. Dioecious plant.

Juice is extracted from female trees, from the ends of the cut axes of female inflorescences. The juice is processed into sugar or, after fermentation, first into a slightly intoxicating drink, and then into Toddy vodka. Sugar is applied locally instead of cane.

The plant belongs to sugar, contains carbohydrates. SUGAR-BEARING PLANTS Sugar-bearing plants are understood as plants in which large amounts of monosaccharides (glucose, fructose) and sucrose accumulate.