
An annual herbaceous plant with an erect stem reaching 50 cm in height. The leaves are compound, with three leaflets. Leaflets are rounded, often toothed at the top. At the base of the petioles there are small stipules. The flowers are arranged in the same way as the rest of the moths; located 1-2 in the axils of the upper leaves. The calyx forms a short tube. Corolla pale yellow, 15 mm long; a flag without a nail, the top of the boat is blunt; stamens 10, 9 fused, tenth free. The fruit is a linear, slightly curved bean, gradually thinning into a beak. Blooms in June-July.

Found only as a garden crop, spontaneously grows in the Mediterranean.

For medicinal purposes, seeds are used that contain within 0.38% of the alkaloid trigonelin, 3.5-18 mg of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), saponin, etc.

Seeds of fenugreek stimulate appetite, they are recommended for use in pellagra (avitaminosis PP); have a beneficial effect in lung disease. Externally used for skin diseases, furunculosis, purulent wounds, eczema, etc.


Inside, an infusion is used: a teaspoon of powdered seeds per glass of boiling water (daily dose).

Outwardly for poultices and compresses prepare a decoction: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of seed powder in a glass of water; boil for 10 minutes until gruel is obtained, then it is laid out in a layer on a piece of cloth and applied to a sore spot.

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