Full-time color plowed

An annual low plant (15-30 cm high) with several stems (rarely one) and a thin tap root; stem prostrate or ascending, leaves opposite, sessile, ovate, green above, with black dots below. Flowers solitary, sessile in leaf axils on elongated brick-red pedicels. The fruits are capsules with opening lids. Blooms in June-July.

Grows in fields, along roadsides, in weedy places.

Contains saponins, bitter substances, glycoside – cyclamine, flavooids.

According to the experience of traditional medicine, a number of healing properties are noted in it. Preparations from it are a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and strong sedative, also a means of dissolving stones and sand in the urinary organs, regulating menstruation, laxative and cleansing the intestinal tract (in this case, enemas from a decoction of grass are used). As a tonic and soothing agent, products from the herb of a full-colored color are successfully used for shortness of breath and pulmonary tuberculosis, and especially for women’s diseases, and besides, for all nervous diseases, headaches and mental disorders. Particularly effective products from full-time color in combination with valerian. As a diuretic, ophthalmic herb products are recommended for all “stone” diseases in the urinary and gallbladder and kidneys, they also help with liver diseases,

Among the people, a decoction of the whole plant is used internally and externally for all kinds of bleeding, as a gastric remedy, for dysentery, headaches, and bathe weak babies. For chronic constipation, enemas are made from a decoction of full-time color (20 g of grass per 1 liter of water). Lotions from the fresh juice of the plant are applied to sore eyes (hence the name – full-time color).


Decoction: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped herbs for 2 cups of boiling water; half or full glass 2-3 times every day.

Infusion from the whole plant: 20 g per 1 liter of boiling water, take no more than 3 glasses every day for liver diseases, in particular, tumors (when the liver is easily felt, hard). In jaundice, as a remedy for expelling sand and stones of the gallbladder, bladder and kidneys.