Gardeners-lovers breed different types of stonecrops on their plots in rock gardens (on slides). The plants take root well and decorate the hills with juicy greens, and the blooming stonecrop looks great in these compositions.
Ochytok caustic is a low, only 5-15 cm, perennial herbaceous plant. Its stems are numerous, fleshy; flowering – ascending, vegetative – usually lying. The leaves are small, sessile, broadly ovate. On vegetative shoots, they are located like tiles, in 5-6 rows, on flower stalks – less often. The flowers are bisexual, regular, in branched corymbose inflorescences. Outwardly, they resemble golden-yellow stars. They bloom in May-June. The fruit is a collective leaf. It grows mainly on dry sandy soils, stony screes, meadows, in light forests and among shrubs, mostly in the southern part of the European territory of Russia and throughout Ukraine.
For medicinal purposes, the aerial part is collected during flowering. This should be done carefully so that the fresh juice of the plant does not get on the skin, as it causes inflammation and blisters. The collected grass is dried outdoors in the shade or in a dryer at a temperature of about 40 °C. Before drying, the plant is immersed for 1-2 minutes. in boiling water Store the finished raw material in a dry place and use it only in folk medicine.
The aerial part of the plant contains a sum of alkaloids (about 0.2%), tannins, glycosides, ascorbic acid (vitamin E), rutin (a vitamin-like substance from the group of flavonoids), organic acids, sugars, vegetable wax and mucilage.
It is known that the products of the caustic stone increase intestinal motility, activate breathing, lower blood pressure, and have a tonic effect. Folk healers use an infusion of the above-ground part of the stone in epilepsy, anemia, atherosclerosis, and jaundice (hepatitis). It also helps increase urination and acts as a laxative. In a mixture with other plants (white mistletoe, blood-red hawthorn), stonecrop is prescribed for hypertension. Externally (in the form of an ointment), the plant is used for skin diseases, for the treatment of clogged areas. It is believed that poultices made from fresh horsetail grass are an effective remedy for neoplasms.
It is also famous as a honey bee. Bees visit it willingly, especially during drought, as the plant produces nectar even in dry weather. The honey productivity of the honey bee is up to 150 kg from 1 hectare – a significant addition of valuable, golden-yellow honey, which is considered one of the best.
Herbal infusion. 2 tablespoons of raw material per 400 ml of boiling water. Insist for 2 hours, filter. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals.
Hypotensive collection. 1 teaspoon of a mixture (in equal measure) of the herb St. John’s wort, white mistletoe leaves, and blood-red hawthorn flowers per 200 ml of boiling water. Insist until cooling, filter. Take 1/3 cup a day half an hour after a meal.
Ointment from grass. 1 part of the powder of crushed sedge grass to 4 parts of butter or petroleum jelly. Lubricate calluses, warts, purulent wounds and ulcers.