The decorative powers of the wealthy roslins of the homeland of the Zhovtetsevs have been around for a long time. Dolphin, swimsuit, kalyuzhnitsa, wheat are often bred on garden plots. You can add one more to these roslins, I don’t look at sight, – the eagles are sizable. The flowers of the eagles are folded behind the house, they, like a dolphin, have a spur, so the stench is celebrated by the “horns”. In addition, in garden populations of orliks, dark purple, blue, black, white, erysipelas and rarely – red flowers traple. Like a wild plant, the eagles are wide in the shady broad-leaved forests of Western Europe, introduced into cultivation there, and then they drank to Russia, where gardeners ate them. Roslin is often wild, that її can be beaten on knots, fox galyavins, if far from the dwelling. In Ukraine, wild growth is rare in forest areas, forest-steppe regions of the Right Bank, in Crimea – in forests, middle chagarniks. Viroshcheyut like decorative roslina.
Eagles zvichayni – herbaceous bagatorichnik. The stalk of the growth is straight, the hair is pubescent, the rosacea is in the mountains, the curls are 30-80 cm. Flowers with a diameter of 4-5 cm, on long legs, solitary, near the axils of leaves, bloom in red-linden. Plid – a selected leaflet.
At the hour of Serednyovichchya, it was respected that the eagles protect the people from chaklunstva and mayut magical power. Today’s stench – love objects of genetic heritage. The eagles are a handy object for the cultivation of silliness; Created in the form of roslini with full flowers, with flowers without a spur.
We will surround the decorative, vicarious eagles with the power of eagles;
For medical needs, the above-ground part of the growth is taken, growing at a height of 8-10 cm from the surface soil. Grass to dry on the povіtry pіd ukrittyam chi on the hills. Take away from dry, ventilated places, okremo from other types of medicinal syrovina.
In the aerial parts of the eagles, there are alkaloids (up to 0.05%), cyanogenic seminiferous and ascorbic acid (in fresh leaves).
Irrespective of the toxicity of the plant, folk healers zastosovyut її for the treatment of various ailments and other disorders of the body’s functions. Preparations of orliks can be zhovchoginn, sweating, analgesic (pain-relieving), carrying, soothing and antiseptic dominance. Nastya herbs are used for colic, bleeding, hepatitis (zhovtyanitsy) of various diseases, stagnant manifestations in the liver, spleen, and zhovchny mihuri. Dopomogaє tsey product and in the cob stage of dropsy, with algomenorrhea and impotence. With hot infusion, rinse the empty mouth when it is inflamed, brush the surface of the shkir with different whiskers.
Nasty herbs. 1 tablespoon of sirovini for 0.5 liters of dill. Insist 15 min., protsidzhuyut, cool. We take ice and warm it for 1 tablespoon 2 times a day.
Tea with eagle herbs. 20-25 g of syrovin per 1 liter of okrop, infuse for 10 minutes, process. They take the morning and in the evening 1-1.5 flasks in small bowls.
In order to be happy with the products of orliks, a consultation of a qualified phytotherapeutist is necessary.