Water omega – water limiter

A perennial herbaceous rhizome marsh or water plant of the umbrella family. The stem is thickened at the base, hollow, very branched, grooved, 50-150 cm tall. Immersed in water, the leaves are two or three pinnately dissected, with filiform terminal lobes; above-water – twice or thrice pinnately dissected with a knee-shaped plate bent downwards and egg-shaped pinnately dissected lobes. The lower leaves are long-petioled, the upper ones are short-petioled or sessile. The flowers are white, small, regular, in complex umbrellas without a wrapper. Marginal flowers in the umbel are often stamens. The fruit is a dicot. Blooms in June – September.

Spread. It grows throughout the territory of Ukraine in swamps and wet meadows, along the banks of rivers, ponds and lakes.

Raw. Ripe fruits are used fresh (Semen Phelandri).

The plant is unofficial .

Chemical composition . The fruits of the water omega contain resins, which include enanthotoxin, waxy substances (2.3%), about 20% of fatty oil, galactans, manalin, androl, phenadrol, 1-2.5% of volatile oil, which is 80% from phellandrene.

Pharmacological properties and use . Preparations of omega water have a diaphoretic, expectorant, diuretic and disinfectant effect, reduce fermentation and flatulence. Previously, in pharmacies, extracts, syrups and alcohol tincture were prepared from the fruits of omega water, which were used as an expectorant for catarrh and tuberculosis. In folk medicine, omega water is used for chronic cystitis, kidney and bladder stones.

Medicinal forms and applications .

During the day, 1-3 g of powder from the fruits of the water omega is taken internally in small portions with honey;

fruit infusion (5-10 g per 1 liter of water) is drunk half a glass 6 times a day.

The whole plant is poisonous! Roots are especially dangerous.