Thorn thistle (Thymus serpyllum L.)
Prickly thistle is a biennial, very prickly plant from the Compositae family. Other names: Budyak, Tatarnik
A strongly prickly biennial plant with a spindle-shaped root and an upright, winged stem from descending leaves. The leaves are rather large, hard, pinnately deeply divided, the edges are prickly, ciliated. The flowers are collected in large baskets, surrounded by a wrapper of linear-lanceolate leaves ending in a spine. Thistle blooms from June to September. Thistle grows in weedy places, wastelands, near housing, within roads, on pastures.
Medicinal use:
The tops of the plant are dried during flowering, burnt and fumigated babies with smoke or bathed in broth, less often given to drink when frightened, babies are sung with broth during convulsions, they drink with diarrhea; disorders of the nervous system, colds and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, a decoction of the root is drunk with fright.