Three-part series

A series of tripartite is a herbaceous perennial plant representing the family Asteraceae (Compositae). Other names: scrofulous grass, succession, goat horns, trailer, swamp arrow, bident, dog lover.


Low annual herbaceous plant of damp places. Stem erect, 20-70 cm tall, purple-brown, glabrous or slightly hairy, branching almost at the base, with opposite branches. Leaves on short petioles, tripartite, with serrated lobes, the final lobe is larger than the lateral ones; upper leaves entire, coarsely toothed. Flowers in erect baskets at the ends of the stem and branches; each basket is surrounded by a double involucre: the outer one consists of 5-8 leaf-shaped leaflets, oblong, shortly pointed, exceeding the basket and protruding; inner involucre of short, reddish, membranous, appressed leaflets. The flowers are brown-yellow, funnel-shaped, bisexual, no reed flowers. The fruits are oblong achenes narrowed downwards, with two or three upwardly directed bristles, provided with downwardly facing denticles; thanks to such a device, the fruits easily cling to the clothing of a person or to animals and are thus spread. It blooms in July-August. It grows along the banks of rivers, lakes, along the edges of swamps, in damp ditches and depressions.

Harvesting, description of raw materials:

In medicine, a mixture of leaves and leafy tops of the series is used under the name “grass of the series” – Herba Bidentis, which is harvested either during the budding period or at the beginning of flowering; flowering tops should not exceed 15 cm in length. Dry in the shade. The raw material consists of individual leaves and leafy tops with or without flowers. The color is dark green, the smell is peculiar, intensifying when rubbed, the taste is slightly burning, astringent.

Contains active substances:

The chemical composition of the sequence has not been studied enough, the active substances have not been established. Only traces of essential oil, tannins, as well as carotene and ascorbic acid were found.

Medicinal use:

It is used as an infusion for therapeutic baths with all kinds of diathesis. Inside – in the form of infusions and tinctures as a diuretic and diaphoretic. In folk medicine, a decoction of the herb is used, which is drunk for fright, liver diseases, colds, as a diuretic, for inflammation of the bladder, headache, for eczema, they drink and make lotions on the affected areas , bathe nervous babies to sleep, with diathesis, childhood eczema, little babies are bathed, they are less likely to give a drink, it is used for scrofula, as a blood purifier.