Tribulus creeping

Annual herbaceous plant with creeping (lying down) stems 10-16 cm long, often branched. The leaves are paired, opposite (3-5 cm long and 1.5-2 cm wide), like the stem, downy with numerous hairs. Flowers five-membered, sessile in leaf axils, solitary, yellow, small, 5-7 mm long. The fruit is pentagonal, splitting into five nuts seated with 2-4 strong, sharp spikes. Blooms in May-July.

It grows in sandy and weedy places, in fields and melons. It is found in abundance in the Transcaucasus, in the western and eastern Transcaucasia, in the Caspian part of Dagestan.

Medicinal raw materials are leaves collected during flowering and dried in the usual way in dryers or in attics.

Raw materials contain a lot of vitamin C, and fruits contain alkaloids.

Tribulus terrestris extract is used for low acidity in patients with hypo- and anacid gastritis, as well as a diuretic for edema.

In folk medicine, the leaves are used for constipation and as a diuretic, a decoction of grass with corn pestles is used for colds, and in its pure form – for hemorrhoids.


Extract 30%; for internal use – drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times every day.