Purulent pleurisy

Purulent pleurisy is an accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity with secondary compression of the lung tissue. Purulent pleurisy are secondary diseases, more often they complicate inflammatory diseases of the soft – croupous or post-influenza pneumonia. There are para- and metapneumonic purulent pleurisy. Parapneumonic pleurisy complicates pneumonia at the time of its height, and metapneumonic or postpneumonic […]

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Food poisoning

Food poisoning is a polyetiological disease that occurs when microbial agents and (or) their toxins enter the body with food. The disease typically has an acute onset, a rapid course, symptoms of general intoxication and lesions of the digestive system. Pathogens – staphylococcal enterotoxins type A, B, C, D, E, salmonella, shigella, Escherichia, streptococcus, spore anaerobes, spore aerobes,

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Pyosalpinx – accumulation of pus in the fallopian tube due to the penetration of pathogens of a purulent infection into it Causes of pyosalpinx Most often, Pyosalpinx is the outcome of acute salpingitis (see Salpingoophoritis): obliteration of the outer and inner openings of the uterine (fallopian) tube leads to the formation of a closed purulent cavity,

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Pyoderma (pyodermiae; Greek pyon pus + derma skin; synonym: pustular skin diseases, pyodermatosis, pyodermatitis, pyosis) is a group of skin diseases caused by staphylococci, streptococci, rarely Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and other microorganisms. An important role in the development of pyoderma is played by the presence of the entrance gate of infection and the decrease in

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Pylephlebitis is a septic inflammation and thrombosis of the portal vein of the liver. This disease is a rare complication that occurs as a result of the spread of infection in the abdominal cavity (for example, with appendicitis). The reasons As mentioned above, pylephlebitis often occurs with acute appendicitis. In addition, pylephlebitis can occur with pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and

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Chronic pyelonephritis

Chronic pyelonephritis is a chronic disease in which the inflammatory process is localized in the pelvicalyceal system and the kidney parenchyma. This disease is one of the most common diseases and is a fairly common type of kidney damage for all ages. The reasons In the development of chronic pyelonephritis, the general state of urinary function

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Acute pyelonephritis

Acute pyelonephritis is an acute infectious and inflammatory disease of the kidney tissue and the pyelocaliceal system of the kidneys. It can be primary or develop against the background of an already existing other kidney disease. The reasons There are two routes for infection. The ascending urinary tract is the most common. In this case, bacteria retrogradely enter

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Pyelonephritis is inflammation of the kidney tissue. A person of any age can get sick with pyelonephritis, but more often they get sick: children under 7 years old, in whom the disease is associated with anatomical features of development; girls and women aged 18–30 years, in whom the appearance of pyelonephritis is associated with the onset of

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Dark spots

After a summer vacation, one of the most common skin problems is the appearance of age spots. Why does this defect occur? Possible causes are sunburn or a fungus. Age spots are brown spots on the skin. They can appear on any part of the body, including the face. But the reasons may be different. This and fungal diseases of the

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Liver failure

Liver failure – develops in severe forms of acute hepatitis and with the progression of chronic liver damage as a result of a violation of its functions. Symptoms and course of liver failure.The main clinical manifestations are changes in the neuropsychic status, which is due to the development of hepatic encephalopathy (brain damage under the influence

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