Seasonal depressions (seasonal affective disorder)

Name: Seasonal Depression (Seasonal Affective Disorder)   Seasonal affective disorder is a seasonal depression that occurs in the autumn-winter period and passes in the spring-summer period. The main cause of seasonal depression is the lack of sunlight. This leads to a change in circadian (daily) rhythms and disruption of the production of a number of hormones, in particular, […]

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Seborrhea is a skin disease, which consists in a violation of the function of the sebaceous glands, which in turn is expressed in increased secretion of sebum or its qualitative change. Seborrhea usually begins at puberty. Oily seborrhea Most often, seborrhea occurs in the type of oily. The disease is caused by an increase in the secretion of

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Mumps (mumps)

Mumps (mumps) , commonly referred to as mumps, is an acute infectious viral disease that belongs to the same group of childhood infections as measles, chickenpox, or rubella. The peculiarity of mumps is that it affects, first of all, the glandular tissue of the body. Therefore, characteristic manifestations of mumps are inflammatory processes of the glands: inflammation

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Diabetes mellitus is a disease of the endocrine system caused by an absolute or relative deficiency in the body of the pancreatic hormone insulin and manifested by profound disorders of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common, but not often diagnosed diseases, as it has many “masks”. The prevalence of diabetes

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Self-injurious behavior (pathomimy)

There are many reasons why patients self-harm. In each case, all sorts of motives compel them to act. It is based on a different psychopathology, which requires a differential approach to treatment. To prescribe the right treatment, the doctor must understand not only the causes of self-harm, but also determine the nature of psychopathology. Distinguish: deliberate self-harm for

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Salpingitis – inflammation of the fallopian tubes due to a bacterial infection that spreads to the tubes from the vagina or uterus or is carried with blood .. Salpingitis in some cases can occur simultaneously with inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis). Inflammation of the fallopian tubes, not often leading to their infection Causes of salpingitis It is

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Salmonellosis is any disease caused by bacteria of the genus Salmonella. Salmonellosis manifests itself in many ways, but they can still be grouped into such groups as typhoid and paratyphoid infections (clinically similar to typhoid fever caused by S. paratyphi), gastroenteritis (gastrointestinal infections) and localized infections. Typhoid fever and paratyphoid diseases are characterized by bacteremia (the penetration of

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