
Torch infections

ToRCH infections include Toxoplasmosis (toxoplasmosis), Rubella (rubella), Cytomegalovirus (cytomegalovirus infection), and Herpes simplex virus (an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus). All these infections have one thing in common: being relatively harmless in traditional times, they become extremely dangerous for pregnant women, or rather for the unborn baby. That is why it is better to take tests […]

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myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction – heart disease caused by insufficient blood supply with a focus of necrosis (necrosis) in the heart muscle (myocardium); the most important form of ischemic heart disease. Acute blockage of the lumen of the coronary artery by a thrombus, a swollen atherosclerotic plaque, leads to myocardial infarction. Symptoms and course The beginning of myocardial infarction is

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Lung infarction

Pulmonary infarction is a disease that develops as a result of the formation of a blood clot (thrombosis) in the pulmonary artery system or its drift from peripheral veins (thromboembolism). Surgical interventions predispose to this, in the postpartum period, heart failure, fractures of long tubular bones, malignant tumors, and prolonged bed rest. The closure of the lumen of

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Stroke (lat. insulto – jump, jump) – an acute violation of cerebral circulation (hemorrhage, etc.), causing the death of brain tissue. Causes of a stroke It is caused by blockage (ischemia) or rupture (hemorrhage – hemorrhage) of one or another vessel that feeds part of the brain, or hemorrhage in the meninges. Types of strokes Thus,

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Foreign body of the pharynx

foreign body of the pharynx is a body located in the pharynx, alien to the body. The reasons Foreign bodies of the pharynx, as a rule, get with food (fish bones, husks from cereals, pieces of wood, etc.), fragments of dentures, pins, nails (from tailors, shoemakers) are less likely to get stuck. With insufficient chewing and hasty

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Impotence (erectile dysfunction)

Failures in the sexual life of a man are often called impotence. However, this is not entirely true.Doctors consider impotence a condition in which a man is under no circumstances able to have sexual intercourse. This, fortunately, doesn’t happen all that often. And random or intermittent erection problems should be callederectile dysfunction . Erection mechanisms Before starting a conversation about

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Dental implantation, implantology

How to restore a defect in the dentition without exposing the adjacent teeth to preparation? How to avoid the negative impact of removable dentures on the abutment teeth and oral mucosa? New technologies, rapidly developing in recent times, have ensured progress in the field of prosthetics. Such a high-tech direction of dentistry is dental implantation, which allows

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Hiccups are a non-specific disturbance of the function of external respiration, which occurs as a result of a series of convulsive jerky contractions of the diaphragm and is subjectively manifested by unpleasant short and intense respiratory movements. One of the possible symptoms of hypothermia, overeating and other conditions. Types of hiccups episodic prolonged Causes of hiccups

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Yersiniosis is an infectious disease of humans and animals. Typical fever, intoxication, damage to the gastrointestinal tract, joints, skin. Tendency to an undulating course with exacerbations and relapses. The causative agent belongs to the Enterobacteriaceae family, the Yersinia genus. The role of various animals as a source of infections is unequal. The reservoir of the pathogen in nature are small rodents

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