dog rose

Name: dog rose


Rose dog (Rosa canina L.)

Dog rose is a shrub from the Rosaceae family. Other names: Dog rose, dog rose, wild rose.


Shrub 1.5-2 m in height; branches at first arcuately bent with dissected spikes, whorled or in pairs, curved spikes, laterally compressed, plentiful, small on flower-bearing branches. Leaves pinnate, 5-7 leaflets, greenish, glabrous; leaflets with finely pointed teeth; stipules at the apical leaves with ears diverging upwards. Flowers pink or rarely white, 2-8 cm in diameter, solitary or in few-flowered corymbose inflorescences; pedicels with stalked glandules; sepals 5; 3 of them are pinnatifid, 2 are whole, with fruits they are turned down or more often falling. The fruits are spherical or oblong, red. Blossoms in May-July, bears fruit in August (second half) – September. Rosehip grows on the edges, in bushes.

Harvesting, description of raw materials:

For medicinal purposes, false rose hips Fructus Rosae are used. Raw materials are harvested from the end of August until the onset of frost. It is recommended to harvest the fruits before full maturity, when they are still firm but have reached their normal bright red or orange color. Fruits that have reached full maturity become soft, juicy, crushed when picked and spoiled during transportation. They are cut off without stalks, dried quickly at a temperature of 70-80 degrees. Celsius. The finished raw material is dried fruits of orange-red color, with a shiny wrinkled surface. The wall of the dried fruits is thin and fragile, inside their light yellow nuts and numerous bristly hairs. By knocking down the cups, a hole appears at the top of the cinnamon rose hips. In this it differs from dog rose hips, on the top of the fruits of which there is a pentagonal platform. The taste is sour-sweet, slightly astringent, odorless.

Contains active substances:

Rose hips contain vitamins C, B2, P, K, carotene, sugar, flavone glycosides camperol and quercetin, organic acids, lycopene, rubixanthin. In the leaves and roots there is a significant amount of tannins, in the seeds – fatty oil. The value of raw materials is determined by the amount of ascorbic acid, the content of which is not less than 1%.

Medicinal use:

In medical practice, rose hips in the form of infusions and products are used as a vitamin product for the prevention and treatment of beriberi C. They are part of many vitamin preparations. Syrup and vitamin concentrates are prepared from fresh fruits. Dog rose hips (Rosa canina L.), in which ascorbic acid is less than 1%, are harvested for the production of the Holosas product, which is a condensed aqueous extract of rose hips with sugar syrup; used for liver disease (cholecystitis, hepatitis) as a choleretic agent. In folk medicine, they drink a decoction for diseases of the liver, kidneys, bladder, heart, high blood pressure, increased acidity of the stomach, headache; a decoction of the roots is drunk with increased blood pressure, heart disease, a cold of the bladder; decoction of branches is taken for pain in the abdomen, bloody diarrhea, rheumatism, sciatica. The roots are used for intermittent fever, the fruits and seeds for diarrhea, the fruits for bladder stones.

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