Rosehip wrinkled – spikeshina zmorshkuvata (growing and cultivating)


Synonyms: wild rose, forest thorn, thorn, rosehip, thorn flower, shupshina (Ukrainian troyanda, shuplin).


Description. Shrub 1.5-2.0 m high from the rose family (Rosaceae). The stem is thick, densely covered with short spines. Each leaf consists of five long and dense wrinkled leaves, shiny above, grayish-green below. The flowers are large, red or pink, occasionally white.


Fruits are false, rounded or flattened, large, fleshy. Their walls are edible. Inside the fruits are hard hairy fruitlets (achens), and between them are numerous hairs. Blooms in May June; fruits ripen in August September (Zhukovsky, І940).


Medicinal raw materials : fruits.


biological features . Long-term observations carried out at the CAS and the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR showed that wrinkled wild rose is a very winter-hardy plant (even in the most severe winters it does not freeze out). Almost not affected by diseases and pests of agricultural plants. Gives little offspring. This is the largest-fruited type of wild rose, containing a large amount of vitamin C (from 0.7 to 2.4%). When planting seedlings, according to the observations of I. V. Michurin, 5% of plants bloom in the second year of life, 50% in 30%, and 80% in the fourth year.


Habitat . It grows mainly on sandy seashores.


Distribution . In the wild, it is found in Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Northern Japan, North Korea and the northern provinces of China.


In culture, it is cultivated only by some research institutions, forest and garden nurseries. The fruits are harvested in natural conditions.


Composition of active substances. Rose hips contain vitamins C, B 2 , P (citran), K, as well as sugar, pectin and tannins, citric acid. They are especially rich in vitamin C (in some types, up to 15%, i.e., about 10 times more than in blackcurrant berries, 100 times more than in apples, and 50 times more than in lemon fruits) .


Application. Rose hips are widely used in medicine and the vitamin industry. Vitamin products are prepared from them in the form of pills, tablets, extracts, as well as infusions and powders, which are part of multivitamin and vitamin teas, vitamin mixtures, purees, jelly, etc. Rose hips are widely used in folk medicine. It is used in the treatment of kidneys, liver, cholelithiasis and nephrolithiasis, inflammation of the liver, intestines, gallbladder, bladder, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, etc. Particularly good results are obtained when treating with a decoction of 2 tablespoons of finely crushed fruits in two cups of boiling water (boil for 10 minutes under a closed lid). Insist and take a glass twice every day.


Agrotechnics of cultivation is developed insufficiently.


Reproduction . Rosehip is propagated both by seeds and vegetatively by cuttings from stem and root cuttings, root offspring and layering.


Plantation care . In early spring, old branches are cut out on perennial plantations. Shortly thereafter, fertilizers (ammonium nitrate) are applied simultaneously with the first cultivation. In the future, as needed, loosening is carried out to a depth of 1012 cm. In the fall, after harvesting the fruits, it is necessary to plow the row spacing and dig the rows to a depth of 1518 cm; organic and mineral fertilizers are simultaneously applied.


Harvest. Mature orange-red or brownish-red fruits are harvested from the second half of August until frost. Even slightly frost-affected fruits are significantly depleted in vitamin C.


Drying. Rose hips are dried in fruit and vegetable dryers with good ventilation at a temperature of 80-100 ° C (or in ovens). Drying is considered complete when, when the fruits are squeezed in the hand, their peel bursts and crumbles into small pieces.


Bundle Dried fruits are packed in plywood or plank boxes lined with paper inside. If they are not available, they are packed in jute or paper bags (4050 kg each).


Storage . Fruits should be stored in a dry, well-ventilated area on pallets.


quality requirements. According to GOST 199443, dried rose hips are allowed: moisture 14%; total ash 3; organic and mineral impurities, 0.5 each; stems, twigs, sepals, fruits with stalks, etc. one; darkened, burnt and pest-damaged fruits and their parts 1%. The content of vitamin C (with fruit moisture 15%) is not less than 1%. Other types. In addition to wrinkled rose hips, over 60 other species of it are found in the USSR. The most vitamin of them: needle (R. aciculars Lindl.), cinnamon (R. cinnamomea L.), Begger (R. Beggeriana Schrenk), tearing (R. lacerans Boiss), loose (R. laxa Retz), Samarkand (R maracandica Bge), Fedchenko (R. Fedtchenkoana Re gel), Daurian (R. davurica Pall), blunt (R. amblyoitis C. A. M), dog (R. canina L.).


For medicinal purposes and for the vitamin industry, mainly cinnamon and spiny rose hips are harvested. We give a brief description of these two types.


Rosehip is spiny. Shrub up to 2 m high with arcuate weak branches. Leaves are pinnate. The branches are studded with straight thin thorns. Flowers pink or reddish. Fruits of various shapes, reddish, medium size. This type of wild rose is widely distributed mainly north of the Volga, in Central Asia, in Eastern Siberia and the Far East (Stankov and Kovalevsky, 1952). It grows in coniferous and mixed forests, along the banks of forest rivers. The content of vitamin C is 4.37.2%.


Rosehip is a cinnamon thorny shrub up to 2 m high. The branches are thin, twig-like, covered with brown-red bark; thorns are somewhat curved, small, sitting at the base of the leaf cuttings. The leaves are alternate, pubescent, pinnate, consisting of five to seven leaflets. The flowers are pale or dark pink, large. The fruits are orange-red, of various shapes, small. It grows in the north of the European part of the USSR, in Western and Eastern Siberia. Occurs along river banks, in forests between shrubs and on forest edges. The content of vitamin C is 2.5-14.5%.


For medicinal purposes , the fruits of the dog rose (R. canina L.), which is very widespread in the European part of the USSR, the Caucasus, the Kazakh SSR, and Central Asia, are also used. The fruits of this species contain less vitamin C (0.21.8%) and are used mainly for the preparation of the holosas extract. This shrub up to 2 m high has rare arched branches with strongly expanded thorns at the base. Leaves pinnate; flowers are pink or white, often solitary. The fruits are red, oblong-ovate or rounded. Blossoms in June, fruits ripen in August-September.


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