Lobelian chanterelle – Lobel’s chanterelle

Beware POISON!

This plant can most often be seen in wet places, on the banks of streams, rivers and lakes. It is widespread in the middle zone of Russia, also grows in Siberia. The closest relatives of Lobelia’s chanterelles – Daurian and Arctic chanterelles – respectively occur in Transbaikalia and the arctic part of Siberia.

In Ukraine, Lobeliev’s chanterelle grows in wet places – meadows, forest edges, among shrubs, in river valleys in Polissia, in the Carpathians, forest-steppe areas. In addition to it, close species also grow: white hellebore (V. alhum) and black hellebore (V. nigrum), which have similar properties.

Chamomile is a large perennial plant with a thick and short rhizome. The stem reaches a height of 150-175 cm. The leaves are numerous, folded, the lower leaves are broadly elliptic, short-pointed, up to 25 cm long and 20 cm wide. Towards the top of the plant, the leaves gradually decrease, their shape changes – they become lanceolate. The flowers are numerous, yellowish-green, collected in panicles, blooming from June to August. The fruit is an egg-shaped, three-sided capsule.

The rhizomes of Lobelian chervil contain a sum of alkaloids, tannins, resins and various pigments, as well as sugars.

Sometimes the rhizome with roots is used in folk medicine, but this plant has not been widely used due to its high toxicity. In scientific medicine, thyme is not used. Incorrectly calculated doses of products made from hellebore first cause unpleasant sensations in the nasopharynx and esophagus, then cough, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, weakening of heart activity. If the poisoning is severe, clonic convulsions, collapse, and then death may occur.

It should be remembered that the plant is very poisonous, so any use of products from it must be agreed with a doctor – phytotherapist.

Most often, a decoction of yarrow rhizomes — yarrow water — is used as an insecticide to combat lice and scabies. Infusions and tinctures of the plant have an irritating effect, which is why they are used externally for rheumatism, arthralgia, and neuralgia.

In case of poisoning, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor.

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