Double thyme – dimorphic thyme

Low, up to 23 cm, zavvishee, with a pleasant smell, the beer of the motherland of lips. The smut stalk is unhappy, ends with succulents; square-bearing tufts are round or non-differently triangular, slightly folded, slightly folded, pubescent in succulents and under succulents with long, well-shaped hairs, below – with short down-curving hairs; Neplodnі pagony fell or pozuchі, go through the head stem and sometimes short, and also without a middle in the rhizomes and even reach 30 cm of the plant. The leaves are dark green opposite, the trochs are bent sideways, especially on infertile pagons, short-petiolate, types of feminine-and-or linear-elliptic, with feminine-wedge-shaped base and blunt and blunt top, along the edge at the base with innumerable veins, on the surface of the head, remember great and rare patchy patches, zіspodu with well remembered lateral veins; in the axils of the leaflets there are shortly articulated pagons with a bunch of leaflets; The tickets are incorrect, different (either two-state, or women on different individuals), selected in the types of female head, or in part, with a quantity (up to 5-6) of roses with incorrect rounds of flowers, flowers up to 10 cm; vinochok 5-7 mm zavdovka, erysipelatous, two-lipped, with a suctile upper lip and a hylicotrylopathic lower lip. The plate is made up of 4 one-sided pot-like chasms. Bloom from the other half of the grass to the linden. s kіlkom (up to 5-6) rozsunutimi nepravzhnіmi kіltsami bucvittya, zavdovka up to 10 cm; vinochok 5-7 mm zavdovka, erysipelatous, two-lipped, with a suctile upper lip and a hylicotrylopathic lower lip. The plate is made up of 4 one-sided pot-like chasms. Bloom from the other half of the grass to the linden. s kіlkom (up to 5-6) rozsunutimi nepravzhnіmi kіltsami bucvittya, zavdovka up to 10 cm; vinochok 5-7 mm zavdovka, erysipelatous, two-lipped, with a suctile upper lip and a hylicotrylopathic lower lip. The plate is made up of 4 one-sided pot-like chasms. Bloom from the other half of the grass to the linden.


Width. Thyme double growth in the Steppe and Lisostepu on the stony steppes, vyslonennyah, seaside sands.

Procurement and saving . For the preparation of liquor, thyme herb (Herba Thymi serpilli) is used. Harvest during the flowering period of the growth, cutting with a knife, scissors, secateurs or a sickle, the upper grassy pagon without the lower woody stems. It’s impossible to see them, because when it comes to growing, it vibrates with the roots, which leads to the destruction of overgrowth. Re-preparation of syrovin at the same time is allowed to be carried out no earlier than after 2-3 years. To dry the selected grass at the tint on a dry floor, spreading it in a thin ball on paper fabric. After hanging the grass, they thresh, and then on the sieve we make flowers and leaves from the stems, like they give. Ready syrovina is taken from a dry, well-ventilated place. Rows of appurtenance – Z rocky.

Chemical warehouse . Herb thyme revenge efirna oliya (at 0.2 to 1.5%), flavonoids, tannins and herbs of speech, gum, triterpenic acids (ursolic and oleanol), mineral salts and other substances. Thymol, carvacrol, cymol, a- and B-pinene, 7-terpinene, a-terpineol, borneol, cingeberene and other terpenoids are included in the warehouse of essential oils.

Pharmacological power and victory. Galenic products of thyme dvuidnoe have an antibacterial, antispasmodic and analgesic effect, have a calming effect on the central nervous system, and excite the appearance of schlunk juice. It can be given with laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, with duct-intestinal ailments, which are accompanied by decreased duct secretion, atony, or by intestinal spasms, flatulence. У народній медицині, крім того, чебрець двовидний вважається добрим засобом для лікування коклюшу, туберкульозу легень, безсоння, задишки, бронхіальної астми, при виразковій хворобі шлунка і дванадцятипалої кишки, геморої, при захворюваннях суглобів, паралічах, крижовопоперековій невралгії, у випадку інвазії стьожковими гельмінтами , in alcoholism (div. article Polin Girky) and in algomenorrhea. As a common zasib, thyme vicorist is used in case of flaming contagion of the empty mouth and oropharynx, caused by pyogenic bacteria (rinsing); in cases of nerve and skin diseases, rheumatism (baths); with flamboyant ailments of pikhvi, bіlyah, especially in women of a frail age (douching). From ready-made pharmaceutical products, thymol, pertusin and Hartmann’s root (div. article Chebrets zvichayny) are included. The preparation of thyme is contraindicated in cases of vaginess, decompensation of cardiac activity, liver disease and nirok. Overdose can cause boredom. From ready-made pharmaceutical products, thymol, pertusin and Hartmann’s root (div. article Chebrets zvichayny) are included. The preparation of thyme is contraindicated in cases of vaginess, decompensation of cardiac activity, liver disease and nirok. Overdose can cause boredom. From ready-made pharmaceutical products, thymol, pertusin and Hartmann’s root (div. article Chebrets zvichayny) are included. The preparation of thyme is contraindicated in cases of vaginess, decompensation of cardiac activity, liver disease and nirok. Overdose can cause boredom.

Medical forms and zastosuvannya .

Internally – nasty (2 tablespoons of syrovin per 500 ml of okrop, leave for 2 years) for pivsklyanka 4 times a day before eating;

1 teaspoon of syrovina is brewed with a bottle of dill and drunk like tea, salted with honey.

Zovnishno – rinse with infusion (10 g, or 2 tablespoons of syrovin per 200 ml of okrop);

15 g of syrovin are poured with two flasks of okrop, infuse until chilled, cool, dilute with boiled water up to 1 liter and infusion of infusions to douche (the procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening);

100 g of syrovina pour 2 liters of dill, insist 30 quills, process and add to the bath.

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