Bluish blue

Polernonium coeruleum L.

The Synyukhov family is Polemoniaceae


What does it look like? Perennial herbaceous plant up to 120 cm tall. Its rhizome is thick, up to 3 cm in diameter, short – no more than 5 cm, creeping, with thin mushy roots; at first bitter to the taste, and then sweet, with a feeling of mucus. Stems are mostly single, simple, erect, evenly covered. The leaves are alternate, odd-pinnate, with numerous oblong-ovate leaves, the basal leaves are in a rosette. The flowers are blue or blue-lilac or blue, collected in an apical elongated or tassel-like panicle. Fruits are almost spherical pods that crack easily. Blooms in June – July.

Where does it grow? In Polissia, in the forest-steppe, except for Pokuttia and Podillia, in the steppe in the northeast, in forest clearings, in wet places, along river banks, on forested mountain slopes and among shrubs. Cultivated as a cultivated plant.

What and when are collected? Rhizomes with roots, autumn. they are quickly washed and cut lengthwise. You can also dry in the sun.

When is it used?As an expectorant for acute and chronic bronchitis, whooping cough, pulmonary tuberculosis, in particular even with hemoptysis (action of saponins), and as a sedative for various nervous and mental deliriums, which calms the central nervous system and reduces its reflex excitability 8-10 times stronger than valerian. This explains the beneficial effect of blueberry in a mixture with dried marsh flower in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease of the stomach and duodenum (action of resins, organic acids, fatty and volatile oils and other, not yet studied, substances that have an effect on the nervous system). In patients, the niche symptom disappears, dyspeptic symptoms decrease, the general condition improves, and body weight increases. In atherosclerosis, triterpene saponins of blueberry reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood.bruises and drink 1 tablespoon of decoction three times a day, 2 hours after meals.


In the treatment of peptic ulcer disease, half an hour before meals, 1 tablespoon of a decoction of dried marsh flowers (1 tablespoon of grass per 1 cup of boiling water) is used. The course of treatment lasts 3 weeks. Instead of decoction, you can use alcohol tincture – take 25 g of crushed rhizome with roots per 100 g of alcohol. Drink three times a day, 15 drops per spoonful of water, 2 hours after meals.

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