Common radish and black radish

Name: Common radish and black radish


Sowing radish is a one-biennial herbaceous plant up to 90 cm tall, stiff-haired. The root is thick, fleshy, fusiform or turnip-shaped, with a sharp taste, white or painted in pink, red or black. Stem erect, branched. The lower leaves are pinnatifid, petiolate; the upper ones are reduced, almost entire, alternate. The flowers are white or pinkish with purple veins, in rare short racemes. The fruits are pods, spindle-shaped, thickened. Blooms in May-June.

Sowing radish is a garden plant, cultivated in 2 forms: radish – small root crops, painted white or red, spicy taste; radish – large root crops, painted black, the taste is very sharp.

Medicinal raw materials are root crops and fresh juice; the black root form is preferred.

Radish roots contain carbohydrates, nitrogenous extractives, fats, ash substances, phytoncides, vitamins C, B, crystalline substance rafanol, choline, adenine, pentosan, arginine, histdin, origonellan, iodine, bromine, enzymes – diastase, glucosidase , oxidase, catalase, glucose.

The active bactericidal substance lysozyme was found in the radish. Radish is characterized by a high content of potassium salts. Black radish is especially rich in it (1199 mg%). According to the content of potassium salts, radish among vegetables is in first place.

The sharp peculiar taste of radish depends on the presence of essential oils containing sulfur in it, so it is a good tool for stimulating appetite. Radish enhances the secretion of gastric juice, improves digestion, has a diuretic and choleretic effect, increases the body’s tolerance to carbohydrates. Black radish juice is used as a choleretic agent in the form of a 25-30% aqueous solution of 110-150 ml.

In folk medicine, radish is used as an anti-diarrheal (with chills), expectorant (with bronchitis, whooping cough, hemoptysis, diseases of the throat and lungs) in the form of lollipops from syrup prepared with its juice or juice with honey.


Radish helps with paralysis of the tongue (it must be chewed), also with anemia. In this case, it should be consumed in a mixture with beets and carrots in equal amounts. This mixture is prepared as follows: the roots of plants are rubbed on a grater, juice is squeezed out of them, poured into a dark bottle, which is coated with dough so that it is not tightly corked and the liquid can evaporate, put in the oven for 3 hours of simmering juice. Apply 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times every day before meals. This is a radical remedy for anemia. The treatment period is 2-3 months.

People drink fresh radish juice (2-3 tablespoons every day) with gallbladder stones as an additional remedy to the main treatment. Juice should be consumed simultaneously with the main drug, but not mixed with it.

Radish juice, mixed in half with honey, is used for prophylactic purposes, starting with half a glass and bringing this amount to 2 glasses every day. This prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder and kidneys, and also prevents the development of atherosclerosis, liver disease and dropsy.

Externally, grated radish is used for rubbing with rheumatism, gout, or a compound (which is more effective) remedy, which includes radish juice, is used for rubbing against rheumatism. 1.5 cups of juice are mixed with 1 cup of pure honey, half a glass of vodka and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, shake well and rub into a sore spot.

Juice and grated radish, having a strong antiseptic property, promote the healing of purulent wounds and ulcers.

Lotions or rubbing (compresses) from grated radish are used for rheumatism, sciatica and neuralgia.

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