Nightshade black

An annual herbaceous plant up to 30 cm tall. The root is weak, branched, small. The leaves are heart-shaped, notched at the edges, thick, bright green (gray when dry). The flowers are white, deployed in an asterisk with a yellow core, collected in a brush from 3 to 8 each. Fruits are spherical black berries, small flat seeds are hidden inside the berries. Blooms all summer.

It grows in vegetable gardens and abundantly in weedy places.

It contains glycoalkaloid saponin, an alkaloid of unexplored composition, tannins, saponins in a very small amount, a lot of pectin substances.

In folk medicine, medicinal raw materials are grass, fruits and leaf juice.

The fresh fruit is prescribed as a diuretic, hemostatic, and analgesic, while the juice of the leaves is used for insomnia and sore throats. Brewed grass (young shoots with leaves) is drunk as tea for neuroses, headaches, stomach pains, diathesis, gout, spasmodic cough, bronchial asthma, rheumatism, menstrual irregularities; gargle. It is found that black nightshade is able to relieve acute pain and is quite acceptable during operations. A crushed fresh plant in the form of a medicinal dressing is recommended for headaches, for resorption of a tumor at the base of the ear and for brain diseases, lotions are made on boils; fruits are used for worms and as a diuretic and hemostatic agent, for uterine bleeding, diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

The plant is used in homeopathy.


Decoction: boil 3 g of powdered raw materials in 150 ml of water for 10 minutes, drink 2 teaspoons 1 time every day.

Tea: 3 g per 500 ml; 150 ml three times every day.

Infusion: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flowers or leaves in a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours and take 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times every day.

Alcoholic tincture of berries is drunk as a sedative.

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