Stonecrop large

Perennial herbaceous plant 40-80 cm high with a thickened spindle-shaped rhizome. The leaves are juicy, fleshy, opposite, oblong-oval (5-13 cm long). The inflorescence is corymbose-paniculate, the flowers are small, with a white-pink speckled corolla (sepals – 5, petals – 5, stamens – 10). Blooms in July-October. The fruit is a five leaf. Ripens from mid-summer to late autumn.

Stonecrop grows in deciduous forests throughout the European part of Russia and is not a rare plant.

Medicinal raw material is the juice from freshly cut grass and the grass itself.

To make juice, freshly cut grass is scalded with boiling water, passed through a juicer or meat grinder, squeezed and filtered. The finished juice is diluted with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1, vodka or water.

Stonecrop preparations in folk medicine are prescribed for atony of the stomach, gastrointestinal diseases, chronic diseases of the liver and gallbladder, jaundice, chronic coronary heart disease (with frequent attacks of pain), heart and lung failure, anemia, mental illness (fright, epilepsy and etc.), with bone fractures, scurvy, and as a tonic and regenerating agent. Externally apply the juice of the plant or ointment from it. Purulent wounds, ulcers and rashes are treated with this product.


Juice diluted with water is drunk 1 teaspoon or dessert spoon 3 times every day after meals.

Juice diluted with alcohol or vodka – 30 drops 3 times every day after meals.

Dry herb infusion: pour 1 teaspoon of herb with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and drink 1-2 tbsp. spoons of infusion before meals 3-4 times every day.

Grass powder is taken 1 g (at the tip of a knife) 3 times every day before meals.

Ointment: fresh herb juice or freshly ground grass is mixed with fresh warmed butter 1:1.

Stonecrop products are contraindicated for hypocidic and anacid gastritis and cancer.

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