Blackberry siza

The rose family is Rosaceae


What does it look like? Perennial subshrub. Its annual branches are arched, covered with small thorns. Shoots with a light coating. The leaves are long-petiolate with 3-5 white downy large-toothed leaves below. Flower petals are white. Fruits are complex black drupes in apical clusters. Blooms from late May to autumn.

Where does it grow? In forests, in meadows, in thickets, on the banks of rivers overgrown with shrubs, near ditches, on borders, over ravines, even in fields sown with corn crops; has many types and varieties. Widespread throughout the territory of Ukraine.

What and when are collected? Ripe fruits for food purposes and as a diaphoretic – at the end of summer, leaves – throughout the summer, roots – only in autumn (unripe berries have an astringent effect).

When is it used? Blackberry leaves contain vitamin C, inositol, citric and isocitric acids, tannins, fruits contain vitamin C, B1, B2 , PP , D, carotene. Berries are used as a diaphoretic. Infuse 2 tablespoons of dry berries for 1 cup of boiling water for 15-20 minutes and drink 2-3 cups within 1-2 hours. A decoction of the roots has a diuretic effect, the leaves have an astringent effect. Leaves mixed with raspberry leaves are used as a surrogate tea to reduce temperature. As an anti-putrefactive, blood-cleansing agent that improves intestinal peristalsis, treats heartburn, catarrh of the intestines, irritation of the cecum, diarrhea with blood, a steam of blackberry leaves is usedin a mixture with marigold flowers in a ratio of 2:1. Children are given powdered dry berries – a teaspoon, three times a day.

Used in the form of tea. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture per 1 glass of boiling water, infuse for 10 minutes and drink 3 small glasses a day for chronic intestinal catarrh. 1 tablespoon of a mixture of St. John’s wort, flowers of a white deaf nettle, and blackberry leaves in a ratio of 3:2:2 per 1 cup of boiling water is steeped for 3 hours, drunk 3 cups a day with anemia.

In case of hysterical attacks, take 1 tablespoon of a mixture of sweet marjoram, blackberry leaves , thyme, dog’s nettle, and dried marsh flowers in a ratio of 2:2.5:1:2:1.5 per 1 cup of boiling water, infuse for 10 minutes and drink 3 cups per day for irritable, very nervous people (according to M. A. Nosal).

In case of climacteric symptoms with angioneurosis, blood rushes to the head, tea is prepared from a mixture of sweet marjoram, blackberry leaves, hawthorn flowers, dog nettle heart and dried marsh flower in a ratio of 2 : 2.5 : 1 : 2 : 1.5 — take 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of boiling water, infuse for 10 minutes and drink.

At atherosclerosis with high blood pressure, take 1 tablespoon of the same mixture, flowers of mountain arnica, blackberry leaves, white mistletoe leaves, dog nettle heart, and dried marsh flowers in a ratio of 2:2.5:1.5:2:1.5 to 1 a glass of boiling water, infuse for 10 minutes and drink 3 glasses daily for a long time (at the same time, do not drink alcoholic beverages and do not smoke, do not use hot spices, meat, eggs, fish, avoid hard physical work, strong emotions and mental experiences). In addition to tannins, blackberry leaves contain inositol, various organic acids, and vitamin C.

In case of eczema, inflammation of the skin, for lotions and for rinsing the mouth and throat, a steam of blackberry leaves is used (50 g per 1 liter of boiling water); a decoction made from a mixture (in proportion) of blackberry leaves , marigold flowers, horsetail grass, garden rose petals, sick grass and oak bark (pour with water, boil for 15 minutes and use for ringworm and fungal diseases – action of lactic acid).

And also pay attention to the article Blackberry sisaya

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