common beans

Legumes – Fabaceae (Leguminosae).

Parts Used: Bean shells.

Pharmacy name: bean leaves – Phaseoli pericarpium (formerly: Fructus Phaseoli sine semine).

Botanical description. In gardens and plantations, various varieties of common beans are cultivated, used both for vegetable production and bean shells used for medicinal purposes. It is impractical to give a detailed description of the plant, since different varieties vary greatly in leaf shape, flower color, length, width and shape of fruits. The size of the plant is also variable. For medical purposes, the beans of all cultivated varieties of beans are suitable.

Collection and preparation. When the fruits are fully ripe and begin to burst, it is harvest time. The seeds are removed, which are then used as food, and the fruit leaves are dried in the sun, after which they are used for medical purposes.

Active ingredients: proteins, all kinds of amino acids, carbohydrates, silicic acid, trace elements (for example, chromium). Bean shells can be used for medicinal purposes, as they contain substances that reduce blood sugar levels. In addition, bean flaps contain an effective diuretic (arginine) and flavones.

Healing action and application. The basis of the application is the diuretic effect of bean flaps. The German National Health Service uses this remedy to increase urine production, which prevents the formation of urinary sand and stones.

  • Tea from bean leaves: 1 tablespoon with the top of crushed leaves is poured into 1/4 liter of cold water, brought to a boil and boiled for a short time (3-5 minutes). Then the tea is filtered and drunk every day for 1/4 I for 2-3 doses.

Not in the last place, due to the pronounced diuretic action, the bean leaves occupy as an integral part of the so-called blood-purifying tea – a mixture that is used for spring and autumn courses.

  • Tea for the spring-autumn course: Bean leaves 20.0 Birch leaves 10.0 Horsetail 5.0 Yarrow 5.0 Peppermint 5.0

Two teaspoons of this mixture are poured into 1/4 liter of cold water, slowly brought to a boil, infused for 5 minutes and filtered. Drink 2-3 times every day for a cup of this tea. Patients suffering from edema due to heart or kidney failure should first consult a doctor! Although the ability of bean pods to lower blood sugar is well established, diabetes is too serious a disease to experiment with medicinal plants. Their action is extraordinary. Use in homeopathy. Of the Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. nanus (L.) Aschers. prepare a homeopathic remedy Phaseolus nanus, which is recommended for dropsy and retention of uric acid in the body. The agent is given in medium dilutions (from D 1 to D 1) 3-5 times every day for 5-10 drops.

Application in folk medicine. Bean leaf tea has been used in home medicine since ancient times as a diuretic for urinary retention and edema, for urolithiasis, as well as for inflammation of the kidneys, bladder diseases, rheumatism, sciatica and gout. Naturally, traditional medicine tries to use beans along with blueberry leaves for sugar disease. Not in the last turn, bean leaves are used for impure skin and eczema. Side effects. When taking tea from the leaves of beans, side effects are not observed. But beans, especially their seeds, are poisonous when raw! People who eat raw food should always remember this.

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